Over the entire period of existence we have helped people from all over Ukraine, namely the following cities: Chernivtsi, Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Kirovograd, Lugansk, Lutsk, Lvov, Nikolaev, Odessa, Poltava , Rivne, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Sumy, Ternopil, Uzhgorod, Kharkov, Kherson, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy, Chernihiv.
We are always happy to help and you. P>
The resort is located in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains, which are famous for its passes, waterfalls, rivers and lakes, unique beautiful forest scenery and unique ethnography. p>
Cheremosh River flows near the cranberries is clean and crystal-clear waters of the Blue Mountains, where you can create a wonderful beach with corresponding infrastructure. p>
Stocks healing waters Brusnytskoho deposits are very large: 195 m³ 1 night – this makes it possible to treat patients every day 2,000.
Based Brusnytskoho deposits can create tourism, pharmaceutical and medical complex where people can relax and gain strength and health to the very origins of nature and breathe clean healthy air of Carpathian forests. P>
Tourism will intermingle with medical procedures: p>
Keywords: strong> Hydrogen sulfide treatment sirkodnem, hydrogen sulfide baths, stomach, spine, resort, resorts, rest houses, treatment, sanatorium western region, spa resort, resort Chernivtsi region, hydrosulfide resort, resort Ukraine p>
]]>Bath b> (hydrotherapy) – is used in the medical, preventive and rehabilitative purposes mineral water (balneotherapy) and fresh water (hydrotherapy is). p>
The main factors in the operating temperature is hydrotherapy, physical, chemical, mechanical and psychotherapeutic effects. It is also necessary to pay attention to indirect and direct, general and local water use. By using indirect procedures are such as rubbing, rubbing, wet wraps, compresses, vehicles with running water for cooling, etc. The total direct treatment familiar to us in the form of baths, showers, Wet. Total local – as local baths and showers, injections at different body cavity. The list also includes vodolikuvan sweatshop treatment of dry herbs. P>
Bath called immersion of the whole body or parts thereof for therapeutic, prophylactic or dietary goal in gaseous, liquid or dense substance. We distinguish baths with plain water, natural mineral water, artificial mineral water, plain water with impurities of various substances, aromatic baths, oil, malt, alkaline, starch, formic, soap, bouillon, bran, glutinous. P>
Gaseous bath: it is gas, air, steam inhalation, hidroferiyni. Dense baths: mud, sand, clay, hay. One of the special types of liquid bath – electric. P>
Cold and refreshing bath triggers vasoconstriction of the skin, causing the blood rush to internal organs, and then again to the skin. In some cases, the use of a gradual cooling bath water. P>
Warm baths were very widespread in the treatment of various diseases: rheumatism, gout, diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system. They relieve stress, tension, improve sleep and appetite, reduce body temperature, improve well-being. P>
Among the most common gaseous steam baths. p>
hydropathic procedures performed in spa centers, offices hydropathic sanatoriums and hospitals. p>
The main goal hydrotherapy b> is a redistribution of blood between the affected organ or system of organs and body as a whole, internal organs and skin, directing blood to the skin and kidneys to output from the body toxic substances. p>
]]>The first is that under the influence of temperature and hydrostatic pressure hydrogen sulfide b>, which is contained in water, man enters the bloodstream through the skin and irritates nerve endings. The skin reacts to irritation, which manifests itself through redness and increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. The second factor is to stimulate metabolism and improve nutrition of the skin.
Another positive effect of hydrogen sulfide to the skin – is that it frees her from microorganisms and acids, alkalis, salts, metabolic products; promotes better healing of muscle tissue and skin, has anti-inflammatory effect.
The third factor – that hydrogen sulfide baths b> positively affect the central and peripheral nervous systems and help stabilize blood pressure, improve metabolic processes. p>
hydrogen sulfide baths are very useful for people suffering from disease of the central and peripheral nervous systems, diseases of skin, urological and gynecological diseases, they are shown in inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system. p >
Also, these baths are used in the treatment of diabetes, hypertension and hypotension, disease of the joints and spine. p>
Equally important and valuable hydrogen sulfide baths b> is the treatment of varicose veins, radiation sickness, prescribers to normalize metabolic processes such as protein, carbohydrate, fat and mineral . p>
Hydrogen sulfide baths are very useful for both treatment and prevention for all the above diseases and many other diseases. However, a distinct advantage hydrogen sulfide b> should not forget about a number of contraindications to its use.
The main contraindications in the treatment of hydrogen sulfide baths are diseases such as arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, which is accompanied by severe strokes, cancer and tuberculosis, liver and kidneys. Such treatment is prescribed by a qualified doctor at the direction of a specialized institution, which is the sanatorium, and conducted and supervised by treatment with hydrogen sulfide are qualified resort.
One of the best resorts of Ukraine, which treats hydrogen sulfide baths b>, Bath Rehabilitation Center is “Cranberry”. It uses hydrogen sulphide water extracted from wells to a depth of over 250m and is most concentrated in Ukraine. Its concentration is up to 180 mg / liter of free hydrogen sulphide in the classification of mineral waters allocated to a special class of sulfurous waters.
In sanatorium “Cranberry” come for treatment, prevention and holidays from all over Ukraine and beyond. In “cranberries” treats nature and caring staff provides care resort.
]]>There are acute and chronic pancreatitis b>, the main difference between them is this: the acute form of illness resulting from treatment of a possible stabilization of the pancreas, while chronic pancreatitis b> leads to a steady decrease in body functions. p>
The causes of the disease: p>
The main symptoms of acute pancreatitis include abdominal pain, which gives the back, signs of intoxication, liquid feces. p>
Experts note the complications of the disease such as the wrong brush pancreas, pancreatic necrosis, pancreatogenic ascites, abscess cancer, pulmonary complications. p>
If there is chronic pancreatitis, endocrine function failure can cause the development of diabetes. p>
In the case of aggravation of symptoms a person needs immediate hospitalization in a surgical department, because refusal of treatment may result in serious consequences. p>
During remission of chronic pancreatitis, not to mention the period of treatment, the patient must give up alcohol completely and follow the correct diet. Shown diet with limited content in food fats and protein increased, so should appear menu of fish, meat, dairy products, especially cheese and sour cream. P>
For the correct diagnosis doctor must conduct a full examination of the patient, assign a clinical and biochemical blood tests, urinalysis, ultrasound of the abdomen, gastroscopy, X-ray of the abdomen, ERCP and others. p>
]]>The cause of cholecystitis b> in most cases is the wrong diet, frequent overeating, constipation, sedentary lifestyle, chronic foci of infection, malfunction of the immune system. Very often cholecystitis b> develops in pregnant women. P>
The disease is caused by the development of bacteria such as E. coli, staphylococci, enterococci, streptococci. That is why the main means of controlling the disease is antibiotics, which contribute to the destruction of the gallbladder infections. P>
The nature of the course specialists distinguish acute and chronic form of the disease. The latter, in turn, can be Calculous and akalkuloznoyu. P>
Yes, calculary cholecystitis b> is accompanied by the formation of stones in the gallbladder, the stones akalkuloznomu this body is not formed. p>
Unlike bile-stone disease, the cholecystitis b> may re-formation of stones as a result of changes in the properties of bile, which resulted in long inflammatory process.
Symptoms of cholecystitis: p>
Principles of treatment cholecystitis b> confined to bed rest, fasting, detoxification therapy based on the administration to the patient salt solutions, antibiotics, analgesics, spazmolityniv and preparations reduced production of digestive juices. If conservative treatment has not brought the desired result, surgery is recommended. P>
]]>To date, experts say three types of viral Hepatitis b>: p>
Hepatitis b> A, the cause of which is the so-called “virus nevymytyh hands.” Symptoms of illness appear not earlier than 2-6 weeks after infection, and during this period the patient can transmit the disease to others. In order to completely cure hepatitis A, requires complex therapy for a long period of time. P>
Hepatitis B b> – is a serious form of viral hepatitis, as in 10 percent of cases the disease becomes chronic. Due to long-term inflammation may develop cirrhosis. The main way to prevent this form of hepatitis is vaccination. P>
Hepatitis C b> – the third kind of disease, the main of which is spread by blood. Most hepatitis C infection is due to blood transfusions, acupuncture and during sexual intercourse. Typically, symptoms appear within one to ten weeks, but the disease often does not itself issue. The main danger of the disease is that it is in most cases causes chronic complex Hepatitis b> and complete destruction of the liver that leads to death. P>
Main features Hepatitis b> – appearance yellowish skin and eyeballs, dark urine, light stool, sudden loss of appetite, weakness, pain in the right upper quadrant. If there is a virus hepatitis b>, the patient immediate hospitalization. P>
any special treatment programs for this disease exists. A person simply need to eat well and rest more, even when all manifestations of hepatitis minutes. However, you can significantly improve your own condition and to avoid infecting others. For this suspected disease should consult a doctor as soon as possible, pass the necessary tests to determine the shape and hepatitis, because it will depend complex further treatment. P>
]]>As the human intestine can be compared with a connecting tube mentioned above inflammation can not be isolated. In the initial stages of the disease it is limited, but can later spread to the whole intestine. That is why the illness therapy should be comprehensive and consist of a range of therapeutic measures. P>
Generally, colitis b> most often of all sick children, but adults often suffer from the disease. The following classification of disease which separates enteritis and colitis in several varieties, depending on their causes. P>
Symptoms colitis and enterocolitis b> include abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, presence of plaque on the tongue, discomfort during palpation of the abdomen. If the cause of the disease was an infection, spotting possible with feces. Also a sign of infectious colitis are fever and symptoms characteristic of acute intoxication, ie weakness, headache, body aches. P>
To be an effective treatment colitis and enterocolitis b>, should, first of all, identify their causes. Thus, if the disease has led to the development of infection, requires the use of antibiotic therapy. As a result of the disease from the body displayed a large amount of fluid the patient is recommended to use more different liquids – stewed fruit, herbal infusions, drinking water. P>
]]>In modern gastroenterology gastritis b> credited to a group of precancerous diseases. There are several classifications of diseases, which in terms of etymology divided into autoimmune, chronic gastritis and mixed form. P>
For functions and disorders of acid- gastritis and gastro b> are divided into three main groups: normal, high and low acidity. p>
According to histology gastritis distinguish the following types: p>
localization gastritis may be widespread antralnymy and isolated. Allocate also so called special forms of the disease, namely hemoralhichnyy, rigid, hypertrophic gastritis and polypous. P>
Until the causes of the gastritis and gastroduodenitis b> scientists say that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is resistant to acidic environment of the stomach. Because of its life develops mucosal degeneration, which causes reduction in the production of digestive juices. P>
Also, the development of the disease causing violations of diet, preferring spicy and fatty foods, the love of excessively hot food, alcohol and smoking, bad working conditions, allergies to certain types of foods, inflammation of abdomen, iron deficiency in the body and a genetic predisposition to these diseases. p>
Clinical manifestations of gastritis and gastroduodenitis is functional impairment of motor and secretory functions of the stomach caused by prolonged exposure served as pathogenic factors. As a result – inflammatory and degenerative changes in the epithelium regeneration processes first, and later – glands of the stomach. A gland inflammation or atrophy over time degenerate like crypts. P>
If there is chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, there is its capacity for absorption, which often causes intoxication not only the stomach but also the whole organism. The main signs of intoxication are fatigue, decreased performance, which is especially noticeable when significant physical activity. P>
]]>Паралельно з банальними захворюваннями, до прикладу, з тією ж печією або діареєю, у випадку яких хворий і сам знає, як полегшити свій стан, існує досить велика кількість хвороб, що вимагають негайного лікарського втручання. Найбільш розповсюджені з них – гастрит, дуоденіт та виразкова хвороба.
Так, гастрит або запалення слизистої оболонки шлунка виникає внаслідок неправильного режиму харчування, поганого пережовування їжі, частого вживання досить гарячих продуктів, тривалий прийом лікарських засобів, інтоксикації та деяких інших захворювань. Основні симптоми недуги – біль у верхній частині живота, який загострюється або зникає під час прийому їжі. Також симптомами гастриту є важкість у шлунку, нудота, блювота, метеоризм.
Дуоденіт, який ще називають запаленням слизистої оболонки дванадцятипалої кишки, спричинений порушеннями у харчуванні, вживання продуктів, що сприяють подразненню слизистої, інфекції, порушення кровотоку у дванадцятипалій кишці, хронічні захворювання кишківника та інших органів травної системи. До симптомів дуоденіту слід віднести нудоту, блювання, біль під грудиною, загальну слабкість.
Виразкова хвороба – це досить серйозне захворювання шлунково-кишкового тракту, воно представляє собою рану, що утворюється на слизистій внаслідок роз’їдання тканин шлунку травними соками. Причини появи виразки наступні: інфікування Helicobacter Pylori, неякісна їжа, порушений режим харчування, довготривалий прийом нестероїдних препаратів, вживання алкоголю, а також генетична схильність до цієї недуги. Симптомами виразки є біль у верхній частині живота, який зникає після прийому антацидів або молока, нудота, блювота, важкість у шлунку. Слід відзначити, що останнім часом почастішали випадки безсимптомного протікання виразкової хвороби, яке найчастіше спостерігається у діабетиків, алкоголіків та у людей поважного віку.