Chronic pancreatitis – an inflammation of the pancreas, which is responsible for the secretion of digestive enzymes and insulin production. In normal conditions, digestive enzymes from cells and are inactivated state, but under the influence of various factors, they can be activated and start to digest the pancreatic parenchyma and its own tissues. Because getting Читать далее …
Cholecystitis – gall bladder disease, which has a temper and is caused by the body getting bacterial, parasitic or viral infection. Affliction is one of the most common lesions of the digestive system. At risk incidence cholecystitis are women with excessive body weight and bile-stone disease, but, unfortunately, the disease does not leave and people Читать далее …
Hepatitis – inflammation of the liver caused by in most cases are viral infections. Typically, the symptoms of the disease are similar to the signs of the flu: headache, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, fever up to 39 degrees and above. If time does not detect the disease and not treated, develop jaundice Читать далее …
Inflammation of the bowel called enterocolitis , but it can be divided into two parts: enteritis – a phenomenon when inflammation occurs in the small intestine; colitis – inflammation occurs in the large intestine. As the human intestine can be compared with a connecting tube mentioned above inflammation can not be isolated. In the initial Читать далее …
According to statistics, from gastritis and gastroduodenitis affects more than half the world’s population aged 50 after tyrokiv. This is the most common disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which in the structure of disease of a similar nature constitute about 35 percent of the total. In modern gastroenterology gastritis credited to a group of precancerous Читать далее …
Peptic ulcer in most cases is chronic with frequent relapses. Instead of coming exacerbation of remission, during which ulcerative defects disappear and in their place there are scars. The most common aggravation in the spring and autumn, summer and winter remission occurs. According to statistics from peptic ulcer affects more men, but recently increased the Читать далее …
У наш час захворювання шлунково-кишкового тракту вважаються одними з найбільш поширених недугів внутрішніх органів людини. Вражають вони і дітей, і дорослих, проте якщо ще зовсім недавно лікарі могли говорити про сезонні спалахи захворюваності, то зараз від цих хвороб люди страждають у будь-яку пору року. Паралельно з банальними захворюваннями, до прикладу, з тією ж печією або Читать далее …